VUB: Electric Engineering and Energy Technology | Mobi Research Centre – EVERGi
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

General expertise of the research group

EVERGI focuses on developing holistic models that include all aspects of the energy and mobility sector for an integrated approach: ELECTRICITY, MOBILITY, HEAT, COOLING, WATER, DATA, HYDROGEN, E-FUELS … Sustainable Energy Communities connect renewable energy generation with advanced multi-energy systems, including storage and prosumers. EVERGI has special attention to the inclusion of key technologies to enable the energy transition, such as electric powertrains for vehicles, automation, bidirectional charging infrastructure, digitalisation, Internet-ofEnergy, artificial intelligence (machine learning) and cryptocurrency.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • Design, optimisation and techno-economic assessment of Multi-Energy Systems that include Hydrogen as an energy vector.
  • Life cycle assessment, life cycle optimisation and techno-environmental evaluation of Multi-Energy Systems that include Hydrogen as an energy vector.
  • Energy management systems for Multi-Energy Systems including multiple Hydrogen assets.

Available equipment/tools:

  • Tools:
    • Design and optimisation framework for techno-economic and environmental assessment of Multi-Energy Systems including Hydrogen as an energy vector.
  • Equipment/assets to be installed:
    • Electrolyzer
    • Fuel-cell
    • Storage
    • Gas mixer

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research:

  • Reformers :
    • Renewable Energy Valleys to increase energy security while accelerating the green transition in Europe
    • Horizon Europe Project
    • Together with 28 European partners from 12 different countries.
    • Renewable energy valley in Alkmaar, Netherlands and 6 replication valleys in Europe.
  • Smart dHYstrict :
    • Waterstof als vector in semi-autonome lokale energiesystemen
    • Interreg FL project
    • Together with WaterstofNet (NL/BE), PRIVA, Fluvius, Solhyd

International collaborations:

  • Ongoing joint PhD with Kobe University, Japan.
  • Research ex-change with University of Zaragoza, Spain
  • Inycom, Spain. Doctoral Internship.

Main relevant publications

  1. Techno-economic assessment on hybrid energy storage systems comprising hydrogen and batteries: A case study in Belgium, A. Martinez Alonso, D. Costa, M. Messagie, T. Coosemans , International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, ISSN 0360-3199, (
  2. Multi-state optimal power dispatch model for power-to-power systems in off-grid hybrid energy systems: A case study in Spain, A. Martinez Alonso, G. Matute, J.M. Yusta, T. Coosemans, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, ISSN 0360-3199, ijhydene.2023.06.019. (
  3. Phasing out steam methane reformers with water electrolysis in producing renewable hydrogen and ammonia: A case study based on the Spanish energy markets, A. Martinez Alonso, N. Naval, G. Matute, T. Coosemans, J.M. Yusta, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, ISSN 0360-3199, ( pii/S0360319923039009)

Contact persons

Prof. Thierry COOSEMANS

Professor, Head EVERGi research group

Ander Martinez Alonso

Hydrogen modelling

Lennert Callebaut


VUB | Mobi research centre – EVERGi

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels