ULB: Faculty of Applied Sciences | Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique (ATM)
Université Libre de Bruxelles

General expertise of the research group

The ATM department is active in the fields of mobility, green energy, cogeneration, aerodynamics, aeronautical engineering, aerospace engineering, thermodynamics, thermal engineering and applied mechanics. The ATM team has developed a broad know-how and undertakes research projects applying this know-how for theoretical matters, numerical simulations and also test benches and experimental investigations.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • The use of hydrogen as a fuel for aeronautical and terrestrial applications with European projects such as Cryoplane, Enfica-FC or CHAT (aeronautics) and SWARM (land transport).
  • Techno-economic analysis and safety assessment for STIB-MIVB future fleet of H2 buses, and technical implementation of this solution with the manufacturer Vanhool.
  • Experience in H2 combustion in gas turbines (P. Hendrick) and furnaces, particularly with flameless combustion with very low NOx and oxy combustion (A. Parente), as well as with digital and experimental simulation activities with several test benches (up to 450 kW on the output shaft).
  • Development of methodological and software tools enabling the deployment and management of a multi-energy EC integrating a hybrid solution of electric and hydrogen storage, in a collective self-consumption context.
  • Involvement in Be-Hyfe through two theses : “Study of low-cost compressors for GH2 storage at high pressure” and “Safety of operations and logistics using GH2 and LH2”.
  • Implementation of a University Certificate in Hydrogen application, a training program towards candidates with a higher-education degree in science and/or technology, who are or would like to be active in the hydrogen field.

Available equipment/tools:

  • ULB-PEMFC test bench, which evaluates the global efficiency of a PEMFC when operating as a µ-CHP system for households.
  • Acquisition of Solenco PowerBox thanks to the Walloon recovery plan funding. It is a cogeneration unit consisting of a reversible PEM Fuel Cell. It produces electricity and heat from renewable electricity, and hydrogen in case of electrical production excess.

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research:

  • Cryoplane (EC FP5)
  • TeacHy (ECFCHJU)
  • CHAT (ECFP7)
  • BE-HyFE (ETF, SPF Economie)
  • H2CoopStorage (SPW, EC Horizon 2020)
  • Hefaistos (ETF)
  • HyAcademy.eu (HORIZON-JTI-CLEANH2-2023-1)

Main relevant publications

  1. full list available on: https://staff.umons.ac.be/ward.depaepe/pubsfr.html
  2. Rigaud,J., De Paepe, W., & Laget, H. (07 October 2022). Thermodynamic Assessment of the Conversion of a Typical CCGT Power Plant to a Fully E-Fuel Fired Unit. “Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 144” (12), 121012 (11. doi:10.1115/1.4055713
  3. Mendoza morales ,M.J., Verhaeghe, A., Bricteux, L., Blondeau, J., & De paepe, W. (28 September 2023). Is Blue Hydrogen a Better Alternative Than Post-Combustion Carbon Capture for Combined Cycle Gas Turbines? A Thermodynamic Point of View. “Proceedings of ASMETurbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, 2”. doi:10.1115/gt2023-101986
  4. Ferrarotti, M., De Paepe, W., & Parente, A. (21 August 2021). Reactive structures and NOx emissions of methane/hydrogen mixtures in flameless combustion. “International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46” (68), 34018-34045.
  5. Pappa,A., Bricteux, L., Bénard, P., & De Paepe, W. (26 February 2021). Can water dilution avoid flashback on a hydrogen enriched micro Gas Turbine combustion?- a Large Eddy Simulations study. “Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143” (4), 041008.
  6. Devriese, C., Bastiaans, R., & De Paepe, W. (30 September 2020). Opportunities, Advances and Challenges of Hydrogen micro Gas Turbines. “Evolutions in Mechanical Engineering, 3” (2)

Contact persons

Prof. Patrick Hendrick


Alessandro Parente


Axel Coussement


ULB | Aéro-Thermo-Mécanique (ATM)

Campus du Solbosch
CP165/41 – Avenue F. D. Roosevelt, 50 bte CP165/41
1050 Bruxelles