CRM group
CRM group knowledge institute

General expertise of the research group

CRM Group’s activities are centered on the production, transformation, coating and use of metallic materials. Since 1948, CRM Group offers R&D and technology solutions focusing on the development of innovative processes and products that create value for their industrial partners. CRM Group has set up a Strategic Platform related to energy transition. This platform brings together its activities in the field of the development of renewable energies, storage, hydrogen, decarbonization of industrial processes, CO2 capture and alternative fuels. CRM Group has a strong expertise in the field of applied electrochemistry, material synthesis and characterization, innovative solutions and device development, pilot and prototypes for various applications sectors and industrial processes.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • Hydrogen production by electrolysis (low temperature):
    • From lab t opilot scale
    • Lab & Pilot electrolyser (AEL)
    • Material development for electrodes and membranes
    • Electrochemical optimization
    • Equipment optimization
  • Transport and storage:
    • Tests in real conditions:
      • Dedicated equipments for tubes (ReadHY project)
      • Dedicated equipments for Materials (MaterHYum project under evaluation)
    • Leak detection- fugitive emissions
    • Pipelines for distribution and transport (impact of welds and loadings)
  • Thermal desorption analysis:
    • Methodology and expertise
    • Thermal Desorption Analysis coupled with mass spectrometry for hydrogen and deuterium
    • Building equipments
    • ISO17025(BELAC267-TEST) certification for (zinc coated/) steel characterization
  • Metal embrittlement due to hydrogen:
    • Hydrogen measurements (total and diffusible)
    • Mechanical properties
    • Links to production parameters
    • Welding
    • Mitigation strategies through:
      • barrier coatings
      • grade modifications
      • process parameters, …
  • Use of hydrogen:
    • Fuel cells: coating for metal bipolar plates, prototyping
    • Industrial processes :
      • Reduction of oxides
      • impact of combustion
      • As protective atmospheres

Available equipment/tools:

  • Total Hydrogen content by combustion
  • Diffusible Hydrogen content by thermal conductivity and mass spectrometry
  • Hydrogen charging by electrochemical and thermal means
  • Delayed fracture (under tension or bending)
  • Lab & pilot electrolyser (AEL) and related electrochemical measurements
  • Metal forming and forging including hydroforming press for bipolar plates prototyping
  • Coating technologies (PVD, evaporation, liquid spray, thermal spray, cold spray, electro-coatings, serigraphy…) and pilot lines (roll to roll and robotized 3D coating)
  • Material characterizations (Metallography, Chemistry, Surface analysis, Mechanical properties)
  • Thermomechanical treatment, heat treatments, under hydrogen heat treatments, reactive annealing
  • Corrosion evaluation, testing and mitigation strategies

To come:

  • Dynamic Tube Rupture Test (ReadHy project)
  • Tensile fatigue test (500 bars H2), autoclaves (700 bars), permeation (1000 bars) and autoclaves for long term exposures (MaterHYum project under evaluation)

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research:

  • RFCSHPPM(2016)Methodology of hydrogen measurement in coated steels
  • Feder project INOXYPEM (2014-2020): Development and fabrication at pilot scale of coated stainless steel bipolar plates
  • RFCSCRYSTAL(2021): reduce the hydrogen embrittlement risk in high-strength steel parts for the advanced High Strength Steels
  • CWalityHydeal (2021): improvement of alkaline electrolyzer cells
  • PNRRHeCO2-electrolyzer (2022): decarbonated hydrogen generation by electrolysis
  • COODEVIISMaterHYum(submitted): Setting up a new service offering and prototype test benches to characterize and certify materials and components in the hydrogen value chain under real-life conditions
  • IIS(e-WallonHY, 2023): activities linked to the management of IIS e-WallonHY on the development of the value chain of green hydrogen in Wallonia and the drafting of European projects
  • ETF ReadHY(2023): Development of an innovative testing method towards a better understanding of hydrogen-metal interactions to secure gaseous hydrogen transportation
  • ILZRO(2023): Hydrogen uptake control in galvanizing process (US)

Main relevant publications

  1. F.Duminica, X. Vanden Eynde, M. Mandy, et al., Investigation of PVD thin films as hydrogen barriers in aluminized press hardened steels (PHS), Surface & Coatings Technology (2018), j.surfcoat.2020.12594
  2. Krid, MohamedandMandy,Mélodie and Grigorieva, Raisa and Sturel, Thierry and Drillet, Pascal and Jacques, Pascal, A Better Understanding of Hydrogen Trapping and Diffusion in Aluminized Press-Hardenable Steels. (2023) Available at SSRN: or
  3. M Mandy,XVandenEynde,FDuminica, CGeorges, M Larnicol, R Grigorieva (AM), T Sturel (AM), P Drillet (AM) Prevention of hydrogen uptake in Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel using physical vapour deposition coatings CHS²- 8th International Conference on Hot Sheet Metal forming of High Performance steel, 30 May-2 June 2022, Barcelona
  4. Krid Mohamed(UCLouvain), Mandy Mélodie, Sturel Thierry (AM), Grigorieva Raisa (AM), Drillet Pascal (AM), Jacques Pascal J. (UCLouvain) A better understanding of hydrogen absorption- desorption from Al-Si coated high strength steels during hot stamping process 4th International Conference on Metals & Hydrogen, 11-13 Oct 2022, Ghent
  5. Mélodie Mandy, Cédric Georges et Sturel, Thierry (AM) ; Drillet, Pascal (AM) ; Jacques, Pascal J. (UCLouvain) On the right use of deuterium to characterize hydrogen uptake mechanisms in bare 22MnB5 steel 4th International Conference on Metals & Hydrogen, 11-13 Oct 2022, Ghent
  6. Mélodie Mandy, Florin Duminica, Xavier Vanden Eynde, Cédric Georges, Grigorieva R. (AM), Sturel Thierry (AM), Drillet Pascal (AM) PVD-deposited barriers to reduce hydrogen uptake during hot stamping of Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel 4th International Conference on Metals & Hydrogen, 11-13 Oct 2022, Ghent



Contact persons

Catherine Archambeau

Unit manager Advanced & Smart Surface Solutions – IIS e-WallonHY coordinator

Xavier Vanden Eynde

Unit manager Material Characterization

Maïwenn Larnicol

Activity manager Hydrogen & Electrochemistry

CRM group

University of Liège
Av. du Bois Saint-Jean 21
4000 Liège

CRM group