UGent: Pore-scale Processes in Geo-materials (PProGRess)
University of Ghent

General expertise of the research group

The research group PProGRess is part of Ghent University’s department of Geology and Center for X-ray tomography (UGCT). PProGRess studies the various physical and chemical processes that occur inside porous rocks and sediments. The group specializes in non-destructive 3D and 4D imaging of pore structures and processes in them, from the nano- to macro-scale; mainly using X-ray micro-computed tomography.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • Storage of hydrogen and CO2 in subsurface rock formations (the latter in the context of Carbon Capture and Storage, e.g. for blue hydrogen). Microscopic (pore-scale) studies of:
    • Multiphase flow in porous rocks (gas and brine natively present)
    • Salt precipitation in porous rocks due brine evaporation in hydrogen/CO2
    • Rock alteration processes due to hydrogen-mineral or CO2-mineral interactions
    • Relation between geo-mechanics and fluid transport in the subsurface
  • Imaging of fluid menisci in porous materials (e.g. hydrogen-water in fuel cells)

Available equipment/tools:

  • Micro-computed tomography: time-resolved and high-resolution 3D imaging of the internal structure of a sample
  • X-ray transparent fluid flow cells (up to 120 bars/100°C)
  • High-pressure high-precision piston pumps

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research

  • FWO junior research project: “Energy storage in the geological subsurface: impact of salt precipitation in porous media”. Collaboration with H. Derluyn (CNRS/UPPA)
  • FWO research project: “VisioFlow: Advanced macro-model generation based on micro-scale visualization experiments of two-phase flow through porous sedimentary rocks”. Collaboration with S. Pop (UHasselt)
  • H2020 INFRAIA-grant EXCITE: “Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials”

International collaborations:

  • On pore-scale fluid transport and interactions in rocks: Université de Pau et Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), Universiteit Hasselt, Heriot-Watt University, TU Eindhoven, Imperial College London, Shell.

Main relevant publications

  1. Withers, P. J., Bouman, C., Carmignato, S., Cnudde, V., Grimaldi, D., Hagen, C. K., … Stock, S. R. (2021). X-ray computed tomography. NATURE REVIEWS METHODS PRIMERS, 1(1).
  2. Mascini A, Cnudde V, Bultreys T. Event-based contact angle measurements inside porous media using time-resolved micro-computed tomography. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE. 2020;572:354–63.
  3. Bultreys T, Lin Q, Gao Y, Raeini AQ, AlRatrout A, Bijeljic B, et al. Validation of model predictions of pore-scale fluid distributions during two-phase flow. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. 2018;97(5).
  4. Bultreys T, De Boever W, Cnudde V. Imaging and image-based fluid transport modelling at the pore scale in geological materials : a practical introduction to the current state-of-the-art. EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS. 2016;155:93–128.
  5. Bultreys T, Boone M, Boone M, De Schryver T, Masschaele B, Van Hoorebeke L, Cnudde, V. Fast laboratory-based micro-computed tomography for pore-scale research : illustrative experiments and perspectives on the future. ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES. 2016;95:341–51.

Contact persons

Prof. Veerle Cnudde
Professor Geology

Prof. Tom Bultreys
Professor Geology

University of Ghent • Department Of Geology

Krijgslaan 281 – building S8
9000 Gent
