UGent: Sustainable Systems Engineering (STEN)
University of Ghent

General expertise of the research group

The Research Group Sustainable Systems Engineering (STEN) aims at designing and evaluating systems in a sustainability context, relying on engineering principles. Products, processes, supply chains, and production and consumption patterns are studied with:

  • a focus on resources, i.e. resource footprint and resource efficiency
  • a lifecycle thinking approach, e.g. operationalized through MFA and LCA
  • thermodynamic principles, relying on the second law: exergy and exergetic life cycle analysis

The research is in close collaboration with national and international universities, research centres, policy makers and industry in areas of the following nature: chemical, pharma, primary raw materials, waste-as-a- resource, agro-bio-food …

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • LCA of e-fuels
  • resource footprint
  • resource efficiency

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research

Main relevant publications

  1. See website:
  2. Huysman S, Sala S, Mancini L, Ardente F, Freitas de Alvarenga R, De Meester S, et al. Toward a systematized framework for resource efficiency indicators. RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING. 2015;95:68–76.
  3. Buchmayr A, Verhofstadt E, Van Ootegem L, Sanjuan Delmas D, Thomassen G, Dewulf J. The path to sustainable energy supply systems : proposal of an integrative sustainability assessment framework. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS. 2021;138.

Contact persons

Prof. Jo Dewulf

Tel. +32 9 264 59 50

Tel. +32 9 264 49 96

University of Ghent • Sustainable Materials Science

Campus Coupure Coupure Links 653
Room (Building B – 5th floor)
9000, Gent