UGent: Transport Technology
Ghent University

General expertise of the research group

The research group Transport Technology at Ghent University is specialized in internal combustion engines operating on renewable fuels. The group’s research is going from the heart of the engine: the in-cylinder processes (spray formation, combustion, heat transfer and emission formation), to the engine as part of a sustainable energy system (power-to-x, vehicle propulsion, …). The group’s vision is to enable the transition to sustainable transportation through finding the best engine and fuel for each application. Its mission is therefore to provide appropriate R&D tools to the research community and industry, training to students and researchers, and guidelines to policy makers.

Specific hydrogen- related expertise & research topics

  • Internal combustion engines (ICEs) on e-fuels, with the main expertise being on hydrogen and methanol
  • Power, efficiency, emissions
  • Simulations of ICE on e-fuels

Available equipment/tools:

  • 5 engine test benches, with dynamometer capability to 300 kW
  • Combustion vessel with high-speed camera
  • Gaseous emissions measurement (CO, CO2 , NOx, O2)

Participating in FL/B/EU funded projects with H2 related research:

  • FASTWATER (EU, 2020-2024, 1 PhD)
  • BEST (National, 2020-2024, 1 PhD)
  • PhD Baekeland (Flemish, 2020-2024, 1 PhD)
  • CHyPS (Intercluster cSBO, 2022-2024, 1 PhD)
  • MMU (VIL COOCK, 2021-2024, 1 PhD)
  • See website:

Main relevant publications

  1. See website:
  2. Verhelst S., Sierens R., A quasi-dimensional model for the power cycle of a hydrogen fuelled ICE. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 32, pp. 3545-3554, October 2007
  3. Verhelst S., Wallner T., Hydrogen-Fueled Internal Combustion Engines. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 35, pp. 490-527, December 2009
  4. Verhelst S., Wallner T., Eichlseder H., Naganuma K., Gerbig F., Boyer B., Tanno S., Electricity Powering Combustion: Hydrogen Engines, Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. 100, pp. 427-439, February 2012
  5. Vancoillie J., Demuynck J., Sileghem L., Van De Ginste M., Verhelst S., Comparison of the renewable transportation fuels, hydrogen and methanol formed from hydrogen, with gasoline – Engine efficiency study, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Vol. 37, pp. 9914-9924
  6. Verhelst S., Recent progress in the use of hydrogen as a fuel for internal combustion engines, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, invited paper, Vol. 39, pp. 1071-1085, January 2014
  7. Verhelst S., Demuynck J., Sierens R., Scarcelli R., Matthias N., Wallner T., Hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines, in ‘Renewable Hydrogen Technologies. Production, Purification, Storage, Applications and Safety’, Chapter 16, pp381-400, edited by L.M. Gandía, G. Arzamendi, P.M. Diéguez, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0444563521
  8. Verhelst S., Wallner T., Hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engines, in ‘Handbook of Hydrogen Energy’, pp. 821-901, edited by S.A. Sherif, Y. Goswami, E. Stefanakos, A. Steinfeld; CRC/Taylor and Francis, ISBN 978-1420054477.

Contact persons

Prof. Sebastian Verhelst

Tel +32 9 264 33 59 or +32 9 264 32 88

Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture / Transport Technology

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, Technicum Building 4 B, 9000 Gent

Transport Technology